Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alas, I have succumb to the pressure...

There is a very good reason I deleted my facebook a few months ago...

a good reason I never joined twitter...

and a good reason I don't have "texting" on my phone...

Mike and I agreed that we would really prefer a more "unplugged" life...

and I was so happy about that...


I gave in to Pinterest.

and you know what?

Oh man, am I excited!!! =)

I figure that unlike all the other technology that I listed above, this truly is a very practical thing to be a part of...where else can you capture and save all your favorite things in one place, with only exerting the effort of a single mouse click?

and so it is official...

I'm going to start pinning...

Probably right after I finish this post, hehe.

For those of you who know me well, have no fear, I will still be scouring every Potterybarn, Ballard Designs, Country Living, and Martha Stewart magazine that appears in my mailbox each month.

And I will still frantically tear out the pages of those magazines that I love and add them to my unruly folder for whenever the mood strikes and I need inspiration.

Because really, I have been doing that since I was like 7, so the tradition must live on ;)

So now, I am going to do it both ways...want to join me in my insanity?

Come visit my pinterest page, by clicking on the link below:

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!


Hey everyone!!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and feel free to leave a message!! I would love to hear from you!
