Sitting down to write this post feels alot like sitting down to coffee with an old friend who I haven't seen in a while...
only the old friend is my mac book, and the coffee is actually a glass of ice water... hehe...
but you get the idea:)
Mike and I were away this week on a relaxing vacation to Myrtle Beach with our family, and I wish I could say that my mac was sitting at home all week awaiting my return...but the truth is that it was with me the whole time and I ignored it. ignored my blog. and everyone else's. ha. there. the truth is out.
I also ignored all my voicemails and emails. guilty I'm afraid...
and yet I feel total peace about it...because I had a wonderful time with my hubby and my in-laws, drank a few odoules, ate waaay too many milk duds, and didn't think twice about all my cell phone or computer the whole week.
It was fabulous=)
I have the rest of my life to blog. or check my emails. or return phone calls.
But right now I am 26 weeks pregnant (can you believe it!!) and embracing the fact that my sanity is contingent on me slowing things down a bit and not feeling guilty about the things that don't get done everyday. ahhhh... the joy that comes when you let yourself off the hook a little;)
Anyway, back to what I really wanted to blog about, and that is fabric flowers. I love them.
Anyone else with me?
I have found a new crafting obsession, at least for the next week or two;)
Last week I went online and found some of the most fabulous tutorials and pictures on how to create little fabric beauties...and then I went to work creating my own miniature masterpieces.
Then my dear friend Bek came over for lunch with her sister Liz, and I roped them into the chaos=)
Here are our creations:
We added little clip and pin backings to them that I picked up from the jewelry making department at Joanne Fabrics...making them the perfect addition to a little summer dress or cardigan... or winter scarf or bag...or really anything...
I made three coordinating flowers out of the gray fabric that I found in the remnants bin at Joannes, and then glued them to this little white clutch that I found a few weeks ago while thrifting with my buddy Kirsten...the clutch was only 50 cents and now look at it =)
Then, I took one of my silk flower pins and attached it to a little silk petal that I had in my stash of faux flowers and foliage (which I use to garnish wrapped presents;), and then placed it a jewelry box to give it as a gift to my sister who was in from out of town:)
Martha Stewart would be proud.
and the obsession continues...
because I still have a box of fabric remnants calling my name, and about 482 people who I want to make one of these little beauties for...
So until next time, happy fabric flower making everyone!